I went back to ISU for the first time since my graduation on Feb 17th with my dear Sister friend Robin. We drove down to see Terry Kinney and Jeff Perry speak, (two of the founding members of Steppenwolf) because they were being honored. The entire day was surreal but so amazing!! We got there early and I almost physically ran into them as I came out of the bathroom (now that's a classic Val story). We were 3 rows from them and we saw our dear friend Adam Fox aka Foxy. He's a teacher at ISU and it blew my mind because he's all growed up and students look up to him so he's a real adult!!! I have yet to reach that level but I totally respect Foxy. After listening to these great men speak and answer questions, Robin and I agreed that it would have been very beneficial to hear that 10 years ago but better late than never.
After the talk, Foxy took us on a tour of our old stomping grounds which have changed completely. Words cannot describe how amazing I felt being with friends and in a place that helped me grow so much. We ended up in Room 207 which will always have a special place in my heart. We produced "Zelda with a Z, Catherine with a C" in that room, and it was just as we left it. The last 10 years have been a journey but going back to the ISU theatre department was like going home. Just the smell of it brought tears to my eyes. So here we are, Robin, Foxy and me in room 207 and we're talking about our lives and where we are now. Foxy works with students and it may not be apparent right away but he is influencing and inspiring the next generation of theatre in the Midwest. Robin tells us the best story ever; her beautiful, creative daughter and an assignment for school to write about the jobs that everyone in her family has. She wrote that she takes out garbage, her Dad makes pizza (he owns a restaurant that is fantastic) and that her Mom raises money to save babies. That brings tears to my eyes every time I hear the story or think of it. Robin volunteers with SIDS of IL to raise awareness and funds, but that's not her full time job. From the mouths of babes......
And then there's me. I let fear run my life; I ran away and I don't have anything to show for it. I sat there and I felt joy for my friends and their success. We left ISU and drove back to Robin's house. We've been talking about starting our own theatre company and she scoped out a space for us so she drove me to it. The Roxy in downtown Lockport. We parked infront and got out of the car. The lights were on inside and I tried the doors. The first one was locked but the second one was opened. I didn't hesitant, I walked right in and for the first time in along time, I had no fear. I saw a young man cleaning and I asked him who was in charge; who could I talk to in order to use the space. There was another man there working and he assisted us. I explained that my business partner and I would like to use this space for our theatre company and he gave us contact information. He also gave us a brief history of the space and was very encouraging and kind.
We left the space and I felt like I'd come full circle as a person. I concurred my fear and came back to my passion. So I am embracing this very rare opportunity. Robin and I are starting Shandy House Theatre Company and we will succeed!!! I am a blessed woman because I have friends who are family and share my passions and loves. Everything happens for a reason. People come in and out of your life for a reason and the ones that mean the most never really leave. Even if you push them away and you make mistakes, they are still waiting in the wings to pick you up, love you and forgive you. Thank God for them. Thank God for Robin.
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