I went back to ISU for the first time since my graduation on Feb 17th with my dear Sister friend Robin. We drove down to see Terry Kinney and Jeff Perry speak, (two of the founding members of Steppenwolf) because they were being honored. The entire day was surreal but so amazing!! We got there early and I almost physically ran into them as I came out of the bathroom (now that's a classic Val story). We were 3 rows from them and we saw our dear friend Adam Fox aka Foxy. He's a teacher at ISU and it blew my mind because he's all growed up and students look up to him so he's a real adult!!! I have yet to reach that level but I totally respect Foxy. After listening to these great men speak and answer questions, Robin and I agreed that it would have been very beneficial to hear that 10 years ago but better late than never.
After the talk, Foxy took us on a tour of our old stomping grounds which have changed completely. Words cannot describe how amazing I felt being with friends and in a place that helped me grow so much. We ended up in Room 207 which will always have a special place in my heart. We produced "Zelda with a Z, Catherine with a C" in that room, and it was just as we left it. The last 10 years have been a journey but going back to the ISU theatre department was like going home. Just the smell of it brought tears to my eyes. So here we are, Robin, Foxy and me in room 207 and we're talking about our lives and where we are now. Foxy works with students and it may not be apparent right away but he is influencing and inspiring the next generation of theatre in the Midwest. Robin tells us the best story ever; her beautiful, creative daughter and an assignment for school to write about the jobs that everyone in her family has. She wrote that she takes out garbage, her Dad makes pizza (he owns a restaurant that is fantastic) and that her Mom raises money to save babies. That brings tears to my eyes every time I hear the story or think of it. Robin volunteers with SIDS of IL to raise awareness and funds, but that's not her full time job. From the mouths of babes......
And then there's me. I let fear run my life; I ran away and I don't have anything to show for it. I sat there and I felt joy for my friends and their success. We left ISU and drove back to Robin's house. We've been talking about starting our own theatre company and she scoped out a space for us so she drove me to it. The Roxy in downtown Lockport. We parked infront and got out of the car. The lights were on inside and I tried the doors. The first one was locked but the second one was opened. I didn't hesitant, I walked right in and for the first time in along time, I had no fear. I saw a young man cleaning and I asked him who was in charge; who could I talk to in order to use the space. There was another man there working and he assisted us. I explained that my business partner and I would like to use this space for our theatre company and he gave us contact information. He also gave us a brief history of the space and was very encouraging and kind.
We left the space and I felt like I'd come full circle as a person. I concurred my fear and came back to my passion. So I am embracing this very rare opportunity. Robin and I are starting Shandy House Theatre Company and we will succeed!!! I am a blessed woman because I have friends who are family and share my passions and loves. Everything happens for a reason. People come in and out of your life for a reason and the ones that mean the most never really leave. Even if you push them away and you make mistakes, they are still waiting in the wings to pick you up, love you and forgive you. Thank God for them. Thank God for Robin.
Fate has given me a second chance, a do-over, to make different life decisions. I'm taking a road trip from Chicago to Los Angeles and back to figure out what I want to be when I grow up and where I'm supposed to live. I was divorced in August and laid off on 12/29/10. Ten years ago I graduated from college and had the world at my feet but I was scared so I settled and walked away from my dreams. I see this as a rare opportunity so I'm taking a huge leap of faith.

Monday, April 4, 2011
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Fear....how it can run your life
I've been slacking a lot on this blog but now I'm making amends and sharing my latest experiences but also recognizing what those experiences mean. This will take many posts and I honestly don't expect anyone to read this at all. If you do that's great but if not, it's still serving it's purpose for me. Getting it out on paper or print helps me to digest and understand what's happened, how I reacted and what this means for me. I got home from my road trip and John Michael came to visit. In the past I haven't made the best relationship choices and going through a divorce, amicable or not, makes a person gun shy. I worked so hard to push this man away, keep him at arms length and set up barriers and rules. No feelings, no labels, no restrictions but most of all, absolutely no love. I laid down those rules and that wasn't what John wanted but he stuck around. I am a romantic, a dreamer and I believe in fairy tales. Meeting John in person showed me that the spark on the phone, email, IM, text was real. But I let myself get carried away in the story before and it ended in tragedy.
It's the beginning of February, I can't give up on love but don't want to be vulnerable or hurt. So I put up my walls. This is the third time I've seen this man, countless emails, texts, IMs and phone conversations have occurred and this man tells me he loves me. In typical Val Style, I tried to bolt. Initially I had that warm, fluttery feeling in my chest and I swore my brain screamed "YES" but the rational part of me said "No you can't do this, you're making the same mistake again and it will only end in heartbreak. You can't come back from a third heartbreak in less than a year!" So I believed my brain and I fought against my heart and against John's love and kindness for me. Looking back on it, I was being completely stupid and stubborn. But in that moment I felt backed against a wall by my brain and my heart and I went into survival mode. Each time John and I visited, we had so much fun. We laughed, we could talk about anything and everything, we had passion and excitement. In my moment of freak out I forgot about those times. But John took everything in stride and he did things for me that no one has ever done for me in my entire life.
This man made me 12 origami roses and a vase for Valentine's Day and sprayed the flowers with his cologne. He was the first man in my 31 years who EVER cooked for me AND he surprised me with food. Everyone knows that I LOVE food and this man can throw down! He made me biscuits and gravy, eggs and hash browns and Ahi Tuna dinner steaks. I mentioned that I wanted waffles but I didn't have a waffle iron so while I was sleeping, this wonderful man went out and bought a belgian waffle maker, fresh fruit and whipped cream. He surprised me with breakfast in bed. That was mind blowing!!!! When I was in marriage counseling I made a list of the qualities of my ideal partner and what my ideal relationship would look like. I see those qualities in John and it scares me to death. Not scares the shit out of me because for a long time I couldn't go when I was around him, that's painful, just sayin'. But I digress
I've heard many theories on how to tell a person is genuine and good but I still believe in that gut feeling. And watching that person sleep. Someone said you can tell a lot about a person by their hands. I think you can tell a lot about a person by how they sleep; do they talk in their sleep, do they toss and turn, do they have a peaceful look or a disturbed look? I watched John sleep and I felt at peace. He is the only man I've ever been able to cuddle with, fall asleep and stay asleep with and feel at peace and safe. So I had to search my soul and decide what's right for me, not for everyone else but just for me. That is when I recognized that I survived my divorce and my heartbreak from the "One Who Got Away" and I am better for having gone through all of that. So why am I holding back and not trying? If I try and it doesn't work out, at least I tried and I won't have regrets. So I took a leap of faith off the edge of what felt like a huge, never ending cliff. I told myself that I don't need anyone to catch me, I can pick myself up and keep going.
So I took the leap and I am so very blessed. Some people in my life criticized me for "rushing or moving too soon". I wasn't aware that there was a standardized clock for moving on and getting over pain. So I am still picking me first, but I'm letting someone else be there with me. It's scary but if I don't take the risk, I'd have another "what if" and I have enough of that.
So here's to my Dear Sweet John, thank you for showing me kindness. You are my Prince Charming.
It's the beginning of February, I can't give up on love but don't want to be vulnerable or hurt. So I put up my walls. This is the third time I've seen this man, countless emails, texts, IMs and phone conversations have occurred and this man tells me he loves me. In typical Val Style, I tried to bolt. Initially I had that warm, fluttery feeling in my chest and I swore my brain screamed "YES" but the rational part of me said "No you can't do this, you're making the same mistake again and it will only end in heartbreak. You can't come back from a third heartbreak in less than a year!" So I believed my brain and I fought against my heart and against John's love and kindness for me. Looking back on it, I was being completely stupid and stubborn. But in that moment I felt backed against a wall by my brain and my heart and I went into survival mode. Each time John and I visited, we had so much fun. We laughed, we could talk about anything and everything, we had passion and excitement. In my moment of freak out I forgot about those times. But John took everything in stride and he did things for me that no one has ever done for me in my entire life.
This man made me 12 origami roses and a vase for Valentine's Day and sprayed the flowers with his cologne. He was the first man in my 31 years who EVER cooked for me AND he surprised me with food. Everyone knows that I LOVE food and this man can throw down! He made me biscuits and gravy, eggs and hash browns and Ahi Tuna dinner steaks. I mentioned that I wanted waffles but I didn't have a waffle iron so while I was sleeping, this wonderful man went out and bought a belgian waffle maker, fresh fruit and whipped cream. He surprised me with breakfast in bed. That was mind blowing!!!! When I was in marriage counseling I made a list of the qualities of my ideal partner and what my ideal relationship would look like. I see those qualities in John and it scares me to death. Not scares the shit out of me because for a long time I couldn't go when I was around him, that's painful, just sayin'. But I digress
I've heard many theories on how to tell a person is genuine and good but I still believe in that gut feeling. And watching that person sleep. Someone said you can tell a lot about a person by their hands. I think you can tell a lot about a person by how they sleep; do they talk in their sleep, do they toss and turn, do they have a peaceful look or a disturbed look? I watched John sleep and I felt at peace. He is the only man I've ever been able to cuddle with, fall asleep and stay asleep with and feel at peace and safe. So I had to search my soul and decide what's right for me, not for everyone else but just for me. That is when I recognized that I survived my divorce and my heartbreak from the "One Who Got Away" and I am better for having gone through all of that. So why am I holding back and not trying? If I try and it doesn't work out, at least I tried and I won't have regrets. So I took a leap of faith off the edge of what felt like a huge, never ending cliff. I told myself that I don't need anyone to catch me, I can pick myself up and keep going.
So I took the leap and I am so very blessed. Some people in my life criticized me for "rushing or moving too soon". I wasn't aware that there was a standardized clock for moving on and getting over pain. So I am still picking me first, but I'm letting someone else be there with me. It's scary but if I don't take the risk, I'd have another "what if" and I have enough of that.
So here's to my Dear Sweet John, thank you for showing me kindness. You are my Prince Charming.
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